ENCIC Projects: Debates científicos
Multi-user application for mobile devices with Android operating system that will consist of a virtual meeting room in which up to ten users will be able to converse through a chat system to carry out debates in which they will be able to take different roles and that will serve as platform for scientific and technological argumentation.
Register in the application to start using it. Create a discussion or join an existing one using an identification number (ID). Choose what your role will be among the possible ones and what is their position. Each role is assigned an image representative of their profile and gender. In the room you will be able to see all the participants and their contributions to the debate. Write your point of view or refute what others have said.
The moderator profile also allows you to establish the phases of the debate, as well as being able to expel the participants. Once the debate is over, no one can write and a phase of closing the debate begins with a summary of it.
This project is part of a set of applications that will help teachers in initial training to address environmental challenges, acquiring skills that contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and that they can transfer to their teaching practice. These two applications will be implemented with the methodology of case studies and research-action in Science Teaching subjects of the Degree in Early Childhood Ed., Primary Ed. and Master’s Degree in Teachers.